nothing like an apple after a bath . うーむ やはり風呂上がりにはリンゴだな
since around the azuchi-momoyama period , the cloth became widely worn to absorb sweat off the skin after a bath . 安土桃山時代頃から、湯上りに着て肌の水分を吸い取らせる目的でひろく用いられるようになった。
because of its thin fabric and its open , airy construction , the yukata is mostly worn in summer season , after a bath or as nighttime clothing . 生地が薄く、開放的で風通しがよいことから、もっぱら夏場や湯上り、あるいは寝巻きとしての用途が主である。
because of its thin fabric and its open , airy construction , the yukata is mostly worn in summer season , after a bath or as nighttime clothing . 生地が薄く、開放的で風通しがよいことから、もっぱら夏場や湯上り、あるいは寝巻きとしての用途が主である。
yukata during the heisei period is completely different from yukata that was an extension of its original form of garment worn after a bath , and they have become more colorful and fashionable than ever so that some showy forms are called ' gal yukata .' 平成の浴衣は、かつての湯上がり着の延長だった時代とは見違えるほど鮮やかでファッション性も高く、「ギャル浴衣」なども登場している。